Over the thirty+ years I've been selling instruments, I've probably had direct contact with all but a handful of my customers. I enjoy that part of this business. Most of my customers are fairly interesting, good people, and as limited as it is, (though I did marry one of my customers) I enjoy the personal contact.
[What this all gets down to is I don't have a secure site to take orders web-direct]
In that light, there are three ways to order:
Phone your order: (207) 785-2212
E-mail your order to jim@elementaldesign.me
Snail-mail your order to: PO Box 565, Union ME 04862
It's a good idea to contact me before ordering to make sure we are both clear on what will work best for you instrument-wise and to get a shipping quote. If you don't hear back from me within a day, feel free to give me another holler.
I am building everything to order these days, as I have too many options available and too many orders coming in to keep anything in stock. My lead time can be anywhere from a week to several months depending on how busy I am at the moment. I'm happy to give you an estimate on just how long that is likely to be.
Thanks much for your business!