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Elemental Design Gongs

gong with stand.jpg

Moon Gongs

These are hand-hammered, tuned "nipple" style gongs made from aluminum.

They have a singular, clear, resonant, and mellowing tone. They are  plenty sturdy enough for outside all age use, or also happy indoors.

36" B -1 Moon Gong - $490

30" F# Moon Gong - $370

29" G -2 Moon Gong - $360

28" A -2 Moon Gong - $350

24" D -3 Moon Gongs - $220

I can make smaller Gongs as well


Combine the G and D Gongs for a perfect fifth.

See "Playground" page for non tuned Gongs


note: The quality of the recordings is not what I'd like, but gives you an idea of the resonance of the gongs.

left: 36" set up for playground use.

Below:  36" B,  29" G,  24" D

3 Moon Gongs lr.jpg

My mic's not good enough to get the low end of the 36" gong, coming soon!

29" G Moon Gong
24" D Moon Gong

Tuned Shaped Gongs

I've been experimenting with various shapes of aluminum with pleasing results. These can be used as Doppler gongs or just  struck normally.

all have a nice sustain and rich and interesting tonally.


Sting Ray gong (not tuned)

Can be hung horizontal or vertical. Has a wealth of sound. "Wing" span- 45"


Stingray Gong
Ray Gong with gonglets.jpg
Triangle Gongs
Star Gongs - 8_23_19, 10.21 PM

Star Gong - $75  (Shown below Center) 21"-23" w

Witches Hat Gong -  $40. (Right)  16"-30" wide

Wing Gong - $35. (Center L&R).  11"-17" wide

Triangle - $25  (Left)   8" and up wide

Wing Gongs
Witches Hat Gongs

Glass Gong, Flat:

This Glass Gong won't bend your ears like a regular metal gong; the tone is much more subtle and mellow. 
It's suitable more for personal toning than rousing the neighbors.
 24" - $205 (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)

$320 on stand (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)

Recordings begin with a single strike in the middle, then multiple strikes on edge

Glass Gong, Shaped

Like the flat Glass Gong, this is very subtle . The "nipple" helps center and clarify the tone. Can get some interesting tones using a drag mallet.
 24" - $320 (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)

30" -$390  (+ $40 packing fee if shipped.)

With wooden table-top stand, add $115

Glass Gong 24_ lr.jpg
24_ glass gong2
30_ glass gong
Glass Gong 24_ back lr.jpg
For more information, or to Order Contact designer and maker, Jim Doble
(207) 785-2212
Union, Maine
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