Musical Instruments
Children's Museums and Science Museums
These Unique and engaging musical instruments are perfectly suited for museums of all types. I've been making most of them for over 20 years now and they have well been tested by time and continual use.
Many of these musical instruments you will also find on my "Playground" page, as they work well for both environments. Those instruments will have links to the playground page for options and pricing. Those musical instruments more especially suited for museums will have descriptions and pricing here.
Happy exploring!

Yup, made from old wrenches. usually surprises people with how nice it sounds. there's some shift in tonal quality. especially in the larger sizes, but the notes are generally bright and clear.
8 note pentatonic Wrenchaphone - $215
2 octave chromatic Wrenchaphone - $605
Custom sizes are also available.
Currently my Supply of wrenches is limited, so can only make the smaller sizes for now. 3 octave shown at right.

The keys are each made from a variety of materials for a variety of tonal and visual texture.The keys are usually
1 1/2" -2"wide.
8 note Multidinda- $325
indoor use only

Made from a mix of hardwoods for visual and tonal variety and delight.
Bright , clear resonant tone. The keys are approximately 2" wide.
8 note Babydinda - $285 .
Indoor use only

Made from large hex-head bolts.
The tone is surprisingly very bright, clear and resonant.
The bolts average around 10" long.
8 note Boltophpone- $205