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Summer Solstice Sound Immersion

Sat, Jun 19


Camden Public Library Amphitheater

A special Solstice sound immersion with Gongs, Chimes, Singing Bowls, and special guest, Forest Weston playing Didgeridoo.

Registration is Closed
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Summer Solstice Sound Immersion
Summer Solstice Sound Immersion

Time & Location

Jun 19, 2021, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM

Camden Public Library Amphitheater, Atlantic Ave, Camden, ME 04843, USA


About the Event

A special outdoor cleansing and rejuvinationg Sound Immersion event to celibrate the beginings of Summer, and to shed some of the funkiness of the past year. The Immersion will feature a large array of gongs played by Jim Doble, and the deeply resonating sounds of the didgeridoo played by Forest Weston.

Think of this as a sonic meditation/journey. The rich array of sounds and sensations can easily help transport one into journey deepy inward, to a place where healing and positive transformation can initiate.

 The event is free, with an optinal donation that partly benefits the Library.

Please bring something comfy to lay on and a blanket in case it gets chilly. Masks are not required this year, but please respect others by keeping a 6' distance.

I look forward to seeing you there!!!


Share This Event

For more information, or to Order Contact designer and maker, Jim Doble
(207) 785-2212
Union, Maine
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